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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2020-10-05 | 點閱數: 1285

發佈於 2020-10-06

Why do we sneeze?

Don't worry, I'm not sick … I just needed to sneeze.

That's what 「打噴嚏 」 is called in English -- "to sneeze."

I sneeze maybe 2 or 3 times every day … but… why do people sneeze?

Sometimes we sneeze when we are sick. 有時候打噴嚏是因為感冒。

But many times, we sneeze when something goes into our nose … like dust.

The dust attacks … and our body fights back! By sneezing.

A sneeze is very strong and very fast … a sneeze comes out at -- almost --
the same speed as a Taiwan High-Speed Rail train!

But...there are also a lot of germs in a sneeze. 鼻涕裡面有很多細菌。

Those germs go out very fast when we sneeze. That's why we should cover our
mouth and nose when we sneeze. 這就是打噴嚏時,為什麼要遮住口鼻的原因。

We don't want to spray germs into the air for other people to breathe
in...yuck!! 你不會想要吸到別人散播到空氣中的細菌吧?!

And...if you feel like sneezing...don't try to stop it...that can hurt your

But, always cover your mouth and nose when … you … feel … like … you
… want ... to….. sneeze!!!!




1. Cover遮住。Why is Katie covering her mouth? 凱蒂為什麼把嘴遮起來? She says
she's sick.她說她生病了。

2. Mouth嘴,nose鼻子。We eat and drink with our mouth, 我們用嘴來飲食,and we
smell with our nose. 我們用鼻子來聞氣味。

3. Time次數。How many times have you seen that movie, Jane?
你看了那部電影幾次? Five times. 五次。I've watched it 15

4. Body身體。Too much sugar is not good for the body. 太多糖對身體不好。

5. Feel like想要。I don't feel like doing anything.我什麼都不想做。Good,
let's stay home. 那好,我們就待在家裡吧。

這些都是很常用的字,來讀一遍。Cover遮住 mouth嘴巴 nose鼻子 time次數
body身體 feel like想要



1. Why do people sneeze?
A: We sneeze when we are sick or to push things out our nose.
B: We sneeze when we are tired.
C: We sneeze when we see the color blue.

2. How fast is a sneeze?
A: Superfast! Almost the same speed as a High-Speed Rail train!
B: Not very fast, about the same as a bicycle.
C: Super slow! Like a snail!

3. What should you do when you sneeze?
A: Cover your mouth and nose.
B: Jump up and down.
C: Put your fingers in your nose.

1: A 2: A 3: A

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2024年09月20日 06時15分


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