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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2020-11-09 | 點閱數: 510

Video Games Are Good For Kids

I love playing video games. 我喜歡打電動!

But a lot of people say you should not play too many video games. They say
that playing too many video games is bad for your brain.

Well, that might not be true!

Some smart people did some research. 有一群人做了研究。And they found out
that playing video games might be good for kids' brains!

They found out that playing video games helps kids with reading and speaking.

They also found out that a lot of the kids said they read more.

This is because they started reading things about the video games they were
playing. 他們是閱讀那些他們喜歡的電玩的書。

Things like reviews of the game, and books about the games.

And reading helps with writing! 多閱讀,對寫作也有幫助!

So a lot of the kids' writing skills got better too.

And of course, playing video games made the kids happier!

Because they could play games with their friends and family members.

Wow, I never knew all this! I always thought video games were only for fun. I
like that playing video games also might make me a better reader and writer



1. Brain頭腦。Is too much TV bad for my brain? 看太多電視對我的腦袋不好吧?
Maybe. But I think too much Facebook is bad for the brain,

2. Reading and writing閱讀和寫作。I began reading and writing early on.
我很早就開始閱讀和寫作。How early? 有多早? When I was one year old.
一歲大的時候。Oh, come on, Ryan! 別鬧了,萊恩!

3. Help幫助。Would you help me with this bag? 可以請你幫我搬行李嗎? Sure. Do
you need help with this box too? 好,也需要我幫忙拿這個盒子嗎? Oh, yes, thank
you so much! 是的,真謝謝你!

4. For fun為了好玩。You cook every day, Ryan? 你每天都做菜喔,萊恩? Yeah, I
do it for fun. 是啊,做好玩的。

I hope English is fun too. 來讀讀單字吧。Brain腦袋 reading and
writing閱讀和寫作 help幫助 for fun為了好玩


1. What activity was researched in this story?
a. Swimming
b. Climbing
c. Playing video games

2. What did kids who play video games not get better at?
a. Reading
b. Writing
c. Dancing

3. Why does playing video games also make kids happier?
a. They can play with friends and family
b. It helps them waste time
c. Because they can exercise their fingers

1. C 2. C 3. A

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