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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2020-11-23 | 點閱數: 301

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Scholarships for doing nothing

Are you a good student? A really good student? 你是一個好學生嗎?

Hmmm... I should probably ask your teachers, 這問題我應該問你們的老師吧, not

Some very good students, when they go to university, will be given some money
to help them with their studying.

This is called a scholarship. 有些好學生,在大學會拿到獎學金。

To get a scholarship you'll probably have to study very hard.

But, and listen up all you not so good students, there is a university in
Germany giving out scholarships for doing…. absolutely nothing!

That's right.

This university wants to give students money for doing nothing.

Could you do… nothing? 真的可以什麼都不做嗎?

It's not as easy as it sounds. 其實沒有那麼簡單喔。

And if you want the money, you'll have to answer four questions:

What don't you want to do? 你不想做甚麼?

How long won't you do it for? 你要多久不做這件事?

Why is it important not to do this thing? 為甚麼不做這個事情很重要?

And, why are you the right person not to do it? 為甚麼要選你不做這件事?

It's not so easy anymore, is it? 沒有你想像的那麼簡單吧.

That's okay. I think I'll just keep doing nothing for free!



1. University大學。Is Oxford University the oldest university in the U.K.?
牛津大學是英國最老的大學嗎? Yes. It was there hundreds of years ago.

2. Easy簡單的。Math is so hard! 數學好難! No, it's not. It's easy.
不會啊,它很簡單。Let me show you how easy it is.
我來做給你看,它有多簡單。As easy as riding a bike? 跟騎腳踏車一樣簡單嗎?
Yes, as easy as that.對,跟那一樣簡單。

3. Right對的。My mom often says, "Do the right thing."
我媽媽常常說,要做對的事。Is that too hard for you? 對你來說太難了嗎? Yes! I
don't know what's right. 是很難,我不知道怎樣是對的。

Okay, now let's review the words. University大學 easy簡單的


1. What is it called when a university gives students money for studying?
a. A scholarship
b. Study money
c. Good student cash

2. A university is giving out money for students to do what?
a. Ride a bicycle
b. Spend lots of money
c. Nothing

3. Before getting the money, you'll have to do what first?
a. Answer 4 questions
b. Clean your room
c. Finish all of your homework

1: A 2: C 3: A

連結 :https://www.icrt.com.tw/news_lunchbox. ... ;mlevel1=7&mlevel2=96

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