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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2020-12-01 | 點閱數: 2110


First Woman on the Moon

Do you like looking at the moon? I think the moon is so beautiful.

Have you ever wanted to go to the moon someday? 你有想過要去月球嗎?

It's not impossible! 不是不可能喔。

51 years ago, a man from America was the first person to walk on the moon.

Altogether, 12 American men from NASA have walked on the moon.

But that was a long time ago. Now, NASA says they will send people to the
moon again...very soon! In 2024! NASA很快又要送人去月球了!

But this time, NASA says they will send a woman! 這次是一位女太空人!

She will be the first woman to walk on the moon!

Cool, yeah?

In 30 or 40 years, it might be easy to go to the moon. Maybe someday, we can
even have a vacation on the moon! 也許有一天,我們可以到月球度假。

That would be really cool. I'm excited about the first woman on the moon.

Humans haven't been to the moon for a long time. 人類很久沒有登上月球了。

And all the people before were men. 而且之前去的都是男的。

Now, NASA says a woman will go in 2024. I hope it happens! It will be so
amazing to see people walking on the moon again... and this time...there will
be a woman too!



1) Vacation 假期。

I need a vacation. I'm too tired to work.
我需要度假。我太累了,沒辦法工作。Vacation is always a good idea.

2) Soon 很快。

I'll be leaving soon. 我很快就要離開了。How soon? 有多快? Very soon. I'm
taking the 7PM plane this evening. 很快。我要搭今晚七點的班機。

3) Walk 走路。

I will take a walk on the beach, 我會在海灘散步,and eat lots of seafood.
還要吃很多海鮮。That sounds lovely! 聽起來真棒!

4) First 第一個。

Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon. 阿姆斯壯是登月第一人。I wonder
who will be the first woman on the moon. 真想知道誰是第一位登月的女子。

Okay, would you read the words with me?

Vacation 假期 soon 很快 walk 走路 first 第一個


1. What country sent people to the moon?
A: Japan
B: Australia
C: America

2. When will NASA send people to the moon again?
A: 2024
B: 2020
C: 2052

3. Who will NASA send to the moon this time?
A: A baby
B: An old man
C: A woman

1: C 2: A 3: C

網站連結:https://www.icrt.com.tw/news_lunchbox. ... amp;searchDate=2020-12-01

2024年09月20日 01時09分


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