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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2020-12-07 | 點閱數: 382

發佈於 2020-12-08


Couple Accidentally Buys Winning Lottery Ticket

What would you do if you won money by accident? And not a little money, but a
lot of money… like 9 million Taiwan dollars!

That's what happened to a couple from Australia. They accidentally won a
lottery jackpot. 有一對澳洲夫婦不小心中獎了!

How did this happen? 這怎麼會事呢?

Well, they wanted to buy a lottery ticket. But they accidentally bought the
wrong lottery ticket. 他們買錯彩券。

But it's a good thing they made this mistake. Because that wrong ticket won!
And it was worth over 9 million Taiwan dollars! 結果中了9百萬!

That's a lot of money to win for a mistake. So it's a good thing they
accidentally bought the wrong one.

The couple says they're going to share their money with their family.

They also want to use it to travel. 他們也想花一些錢去旅遊。

Then, they're going to save the rest for the future. 剩下的要存起來。

I think that is a smart way to use that money.

So, you see? It's okay to make mistakes sometimes. 有時候犯錯是沒關係的。

Because that mistake might lead you to winning a lot of money!



1. Accident 意外。

Where's Tom? 湯姆在哪裡? He's in the hospital.他在醫院。He got injured in a
car accident. 他車禍意外受傷了。Tom always drives too fast. Maybe it wasn't
really an accident. 湯姆總是開快車。這也許不算意外。

2. Share 分享。

Would you share this muffin with me? 可以跟我分這個小蛋糕嗎? I don't want to
eat too much sugar.我不想吃太多糖。I'd be happy to. 我很樂意。

3. Future 未來。

Education will give you a better future. 受教育會給你更好的未來。I want to be
a cartoonist in the future. 我未來想當卡通畫家。Then you need to learn how to

4. Mistake 錯誤。

It's easy to make mistakes when you're tired. 疲倦的時候容易犯錯。


Accident 意外 share 分享 future 未來 mistake 錯誤


1. Where is the couple in this story from?
a. Australia
b. America
c. Taiwan

2. What did this couple do?
a. They threw away their lottery ticket
b. They bought the wrong lottery ticket
c. They found a lottery ticket

3. How much money did they win?
a. 9 million Taiwan dollars
b. 10 thousand Taiwan dollars
c. 99 Taiwan dollars

1. A 2. B 3. A

2024年09月20日 01時09分


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