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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2020-12-14 | 點閱數: 379

發佈於 2020-12-15

Monkey Selfies on Lost Phone


Haha! Have you ever taken a selfie? 你有自拍過嗎?

A selfie is a photo you take of yourself! It's fun!

Cell phones are great for taking videos, photos, and selfies!

I'd hate to lose my phone.

I have so many photos on there. 我討厭弄了手機因為有超多照片在裡面。

But that's what happened to a man in Malaysia. 在馬來西亞,有人手機不見了!

He woke up one day and his cell phone was gone!

He couldn't find it! 有一天他醒來後發現手機不見了。

So he used another phone to call his cell phone. 他用別的電話打給自己的手機。

…The phone rang, and he followed the sound.

It was coming from outside his house! 他跟著手機的鈴聲走,發現手機在戶外。

He picked up his cell phone.

It was a little dirty, but it was fine. 手機有一點髒,還好沒怎樣。

The strange thing is… his phone had lots and lots of new photos and videos!

What were the new photos of?

They were monkey selfies! 全是猴子的自拍照。

Did the monkey take the man's phone?

To take selfies? Can you believe it?

That's pretty crazy, right?

And what a clever monkey! Wow! 真是聰明的猴子!



1) Take a photo 照相,take a selfie 自拍。

Could you take a photo of me? 可以幫我照一張相嗎? Certainly, but you can take
a selfie, you know. 當然,不過你也可以自拍,你知道嗎? I know. I've already
taken 300 selfies! 我知道。我已經自拍三百多張了。

2) Happen 發生。

Did you see anything? 你看到了什麼嗎? No, nothing is happening.
沒有,什麼都沒有發生。Keep watching. It will happen soon.

3) Believe 相信。

I wish I could believe you. 我希望能相信你。You can. Have I ever lied to you?

4) Clever 聰明的。

How clever of you to think of this idea! 你真聰明,想到這個主意!


Take a selfie 自拍 happen 發生 believe 相信 clever 聰明的


1. What item did the man in the story lose?
a. A book
b. A bicycle
c. A cell phone

2. What animal took the item?
a. A tiger
b. A monkey
c. A shark

3. What do we call a photo you take of yourself?
a. A selfie
b. A myselfie
c. A yourselfie

1: c 2: b 3: a

網站連結:https://www.icrt.com.tw/news_lunchbox. ... ;mlevel1=7&mlevel2=96

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