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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2020-12-21 | 點閱數: 370

發佈於 2020-12-22


Robot Says Wear a Mask

Ok, I have my keys … I have my backpack … I'm ready!

Oh, wait! I forgot my mask! I can't forget my mask! 喔,我差一點忘了我的口罩!

In Taiwan, we are required to wear a mask in many public places.

We need to wear a mask on the MRT, at the movie theater, and at other public
places. 搭捷運、在電影院,還有很多公共場所都要戴。

The Taiwan government requires masks because COVID-19 is still a problem all
over the world.

In Japan, the government also requires people to wear masks.

But what if you forget? Well, in the Japanese city, Osaka, a robot might
remind you! 在日本的大阪如果忘記戴,會有機器人提醒你唷。

Yeah! There is a robot in Osaka that uses cameras to 'see' if you are wearing
a mask… if the robot sees no mask… it will say… "Excuse me...please put on
a mask. We want everyone to be healthy. A mask can help. Please put on a
mask….thank you very much."

Cool robot, yeah? We don't have that robot in Taiwan… but maybe I can be a
'mask robot'… 台灣沒有這種機器人,但也許我可以喔。

If I see people without a mask, I can say, "Excuse me, please put on a
mask!"… (Laughs)

Ok, I got my mask! Time to go. "I am going out now...with my mask"



1. Wear 穿戴。

I hate wearing a mask! 真討厭戴口罩! Me too. I feel like I can't breathe.
我也是,我都覺得沒辦法呼吸。And I have to wear glasses at the same time.
我同時還得戴眼鏡。It's so much trouble! 好麻煩!

2. Public place 公共場所。

Department stores are public places, 百貨公司是公共場所,so are amusement

3. Government 政府。

When you grow up, would you like to work in the government?
你長大之後想替政府工作嗎? Yes, I want to be the mayor of Taipei!
想,我想當台北市長! That's a good government job! 那可是很好的政府工作!

4. Forget 忘記。

Did you forget today is my birthday? 你忘了今天是我的生日? No, how could I
forget? 我怎麼會忘記? Here, your favorite lemon pie. 你看,你最喜歡的檸檬派。

Okay, don't forget your face mask.


wear 穿戴 public place 公共場所 government 政府 forget 忘記


1. Why do we have to wear masks in Taiwan?
A: To keep everyone safe from COVID-19
B: To stop people from talking loudly
C: To keep us safe from robots

2. Where is the robot that says, "Please wear a mask"?
A: Kaohsiung, Taiwan
B: Osaka, Japan
C: Seoul, Korea

3. What English word means "you have to do it"?
A: Require
B: Remember
C: Robot

1: A 2: B 3: A

連結:https://www.icrt.com.tw/news_lunchbox. ... ;mlevel1=7&mlevel2=96

2024年09月20日 01時09分


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