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注意 英語教師 - 一般公告 | 2021-01-04 | 點閱數: 382

發佈於 2021-01-05

A Dark Bookstore

Can you guess one of my favorite places?...

Bookstores! 書店是其中一個我喜歡的地方

I like to see all the new books.

I think book covers are very interesting ...and of course, I like reading
them! 我覺得書的封面很有趣, 當然 我也喜歡讀一讀內容

I even like the smell of new books!

Sometimes, I go to a bookstore and stay there for hours.

I love looking at all the books and interesting book covers!

Bookstores have lots of light. You need light to read, right?

But one bookstore in Kaohsiung is dark!
但是,高雄有一家書店是暗的沒有燈光!Yeah! Super dark!

The only lights in the store are lights that shine on the books!

The inside of the bookstore is dark, and you can only see the books.

The bookstore says they want people to only think about books when they come
inside the bookstore.
That's why they turned off all the lights. 書店人員說 ,

Hmmm...what do you think? It sounds cool, but I'm afraid I might fall over if
it's too dark.

I want to go visit the dark bookstore.

When I go to Kaohsiung, I'll check it out! 我下次去高雄的時候我一定會去看看.

Hmm...a dark bookstore...what an interesting idea!



1) Visit拜訪。I used to visit the Eslite Bookstore a lot.
我以前經常去誠品書店。The one on Dun-hua South Road, right?
敦化南路那一家,對嗎? Yeah, have you visited that place? 對,你有去過那家嗎?
I have, many times. 去過很多次。

2) Turn off關掉。We should go now.我們該走了。Okay, let me turn off all the

3) Look at看著。What are you looking at? 你在看什麼? A hawk is up there on
the tree.一隻老鷹站在樹上。Can you see it? 你看得到嗎? I see it now. It's
beautiful! 現在看到了,牠真漂亮!

4) Light燈光。Would you please turn off the light? 可以請你關燈嗎? I really
need to sleep now. Of course! 當然!

So will you go to a bookstore this weekend? 來一起讀單子. Visit拜訪, Turn
off關掉, Look at看著, Light燈光.



1. Where is the dark bookstore?
A: In Canada
B: In Taichung
C: In Kaohsiung

2. Why does the bookstore only shine light on the books?
A: They want people to only think about the books
B: They want to save power
C: They don't want people to read the books

3. What do we call the outside of a book?
A: A magazine
B: A photo
C: The cover

1: C 2: A 3: C

連結:https://www.icrt.com.tw/news_lunchbox. ... ;mlevel1=7&mlevel2=96

2024年09月20日 06時15分


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