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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2021-01-18 | 點閱數: 381

發佈於 2021-01-19


Aladdin's Lamp Isn't Real

Hi everyone!

You've all seen the Aladdin movie, right? 有看過「阿拉丁」電影吧?!

It's about a poor man who finds a magical lamp. Inside the lamp is a genie.
When Aladdin rubs the lamp, the genie comes out...

Genie: It is I, the Genie. Have you called upon me? You have three wishes.

And gives Aladdin three wishes.

Anyway, you all know the story, I'm sure.

And I'm sure you also know that it's just a story, it's not real!

We all know that, right?! Well, maybe somebody should have told a man in
India that genies and magical lamps aren't real!

He paid a lot of money for a lamp because he thought it was a magic lamp and
had a genie inside. 有一個印度人花很多錢買一個神燈,他以為裡面有精靈!

But he was tricked by some bad people! He paid all that money for just an old
lamp, and, of course, there was no genie inside!

Don't worry, the bad people were caught by the police.

But be careful, and remember that Aladdin and the stories you see in the
movies might not be real! 記得,電影演的不一定是真的!



1. Wish 願望。What's your birthday wish, Jane? 你有什麼生日願望? I wish the
pandemic would end now. 我希望疫情現在結束。 How about you? 你呢? I wish to
travel more.我希望多旅行。

2. Real 真實的。The Snow White story is not real.白雪公主的故事不是真的。Of
course it's not real! 當然不是真的 ! It's a fairy tale.它是童話。

3. Magical 神奇的。Something magical is about to happen.
神奇的事就要發生了。I can feel it. 我感覺得到。Something like... you win the
top prize? 比如說你贏得頭獎嗎?

4. Inside 裡面。It's very cold outside.外面很冷。We need to stay inside.
我們得待在裡面。But we've waited inside for too long.
但是我們在裡面等太久了。I want to go outside.我想要去外面。

These are useful words. Would you read with me?

wish 願望 real 真實的 magical 神奇的 inside 裡面


1. What movie does the story talk about?
a. The Lion King
b. Finding Nemo
c. Aladdin

2. In the movie, what is inside the magic lamp?
a. A genie
b. Gold
c. Sand

3. What does the man in India buy?
a. A magic lamp
b. Just an old lamp
c. A new car

1: c 2: a 3: b

連結:https://www.icrt.com.tw/news_lunchbox. ... ;mlevel1=7&mlevel2=96

2024年09月20日 01時09分


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