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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2021-03-02 | 點閱數: 331

發佈於 2021-03-03

Three Hours to ISS

Did you know that people live in space? 你知道有人住在外太空嗎?

It's true!

People have lived in space for 20 years! …

These people live on the International Space Station or ISS.

It's a really big space station.

You can sometimes see the ISS from the earth. But the ISS is still very far

You need a powerful rocket to push you up, up, up into space … and then you
need smaller rockets to get the spaceship to the space station.

Usually, it takes one or two days for the spaceship to get to the
International Space Station 通常需要1到2天的時間, but in 2020, Russia set a
new record!

Now, a spaceship from Russia can reach the ISS in three hours!
現在俄羅斯打破這個紀錄,只要3小時就能到達! That's super-fast!

Space scientists in Russia did a lot of math… they worked hard to find a way
to make the trip to the ISS faster.

And they did it! 俄羅斯的太空科學家做了很多數學運算,才找到更快抵達的方法。

Before, it took two or three days, but now people can get to the ISS in just
three hours!

Humans have been living in space for more than 20 years, but now they only
have to travel for three hours to get to the ISS!

That's great!



1. Space 太空。I love movies about space, like "Star Wars."
我喜歡關於太空的電影,例如星際大戰。Me too! My favorite space movie is
"Captain Marvel." 我也是。我最喜歡的太空電影是驚奇隊長。

2. Push 推動。(吵雜聲音) Oh no, there are so many people here!
糟糕,這裡人好多! We'll just have to push through. 我們得擠過去。But I don't
want to push people. 可是我不想推擠別人。

3. Math 數學。How many days holiday do we have? 我們放假放幾天? From Friday
until next Wednesday. 從星期五到下星期三。Just do the math.你算算看。I'm bad
at math.我數學很爛的。

4. Set a record 創紀錄。Yeah, we set a new record! 我們創了新紀錄! That's
great! What record is it? 太棒了! 是什麼紀錄? Barking like a dog together for
3 hours!一起學狗叫三個鐘頭。

Let's read the words.

space 太空 push 推動 math 數學 set a record 創紀錄


1. Where do people live in space?
A: On Mars
B: On the Moon
C: On the International Space Station

2. What country found a faster way to the ISS?
A: Japan
B: Russia
C: America

3. What is the new record for getting to the ISS?
A: 3 days
B: 3 minutes
C: 3 hours

1. C 2. B 3. C

連結:https://www.icrt.com.tw/news_lunchbox. ... ;mlevel1=7&mlevel2=96

2024年09月20日 01時09分


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