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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2021-03-09 | 點閱數: 1348

發佈於 2021-03-09

Lion Poop For Sale

Hi, students!

Today's story is about poop. 今天的故事是有關大便。 But not just any poop,
this is special poop.

This poop is lion poop.

And it's for sale! 是獅子的大便 還可以買!

Would you like to buy some? No? Well, that's okay.

But actually, some people really do want to buy it! Isn't that crazy?

This is happening at a zoo in Germany! They are selling jars of lion poop.

It costs about 150 Taiwan dollars. Is that cheap or expensive for lion poop?
價錢差不多150塊. 算貴嗎? I don't know!

But some people are really buying it!

They want to put it in their garden. 有的人想把獅子大便放在花園。

They say the smell of the lion poop scares away small animals or pests they
don't want in their gardens! 聽說獅子便便的氣味可以把小動跟海寵嚇跑!

I guess the other animals can smell the lion poop and think "uh-oh!"

I don't want to be here when this lion comes back!" And they run away.

Lions are scary, especially for small animals and pests.

So using their poop is pretty smart, right? Probably smelly, but smart!



1. Crazy 瘋狂的。That's a crazy idea! 真是瘋狂的想法! No, it's a smart idea!
不會,是很聰明的主意。I don't think the zookeeper is crazy.

2. Cheap 便宜的,expensive昂貴的。A 50-NT hamburger is very
cheap.五十塊錢的漢堡很便宜。But a 50-NT coke is

3. Garden 花園。Wow, you have a lovely garden! 哇,你有個漂亮花園! Thank you.
It's nice to have a garden on the rooftop. 謝謝你,有個花園在屋頂上很好。

4. Run away 跑掉。What's happening? 發生了什麼事? Why are people running away
from the station? 為什麼大家從車站跑出來? Maybe there's a lion in the
station. 也許車站裡有獅子。 That's crazy, Ryan! 太扯了,萊恩!

Please read the words with me.

crazy 瘋狂的 cheap 便宜的 expensive 昂貴的 garden 花園 run away 跑掉


1. What strange item is for sale in the story?
a. Tiger hugs
b. Lion poop
c. Chicken eggs

2. Where is it for sale?
a. A zoo in Germany
b. A supermarket in Italy
c. A toy store in Japan

3. Why do people want to buy it?
a. It smells great
b. It scares away animals and pests
c. It's cheap

1: b 2: a 3: b

連結:https://www.icrt.com.tw/news_lunchbox. ... amp;searchDate=2021-03-09

2024年09月20日 01時09分


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