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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2021-03-16 | 點閱數: 1269

發佈於 2021-03-16

The Flying Person

People can fly in airplanes... but can people fly without an airplane?

No? Actually, the answer is "yes"!

For many years, people have used "wingsuits" to help them stay in the air for
a long time.

They look like flying squirrels! 看起來就像飛鼠。

But you can't fly forever. After a while, you have to use a parachute and
come back down to earth. 可是沒辦法飛很久,就需要用降落傘回到地面。

But, a man in Austria did something really cool. He used an electric motor
and a wingsuit! 有個奧地利男子,用電動馬達,做電動飛鼠裝!

The wingsuit helps him stay in the air and the electric motor pushes him

And that's real flying! It's fast too!

His electric motor can help him fly as fast as Taiwan's High-Speed Rail!

So, maybe one day… you and I could be able to fly without an airplane!

Would you like to try it? I would! Yeah! I want to fly! I would fly all over
Taiwan. It would be so cool!



1. Fly 飛翔。I'll be flying to Orchid Island this weekend.
我這周末會飛去蘭嶼。What's on Orchid Island? 蘭嶼有什麼? Lots of beautiful
birds! 很多漂亮的鳥! So they fly around? 所以牠們會飛來飛去? Yes. But
sometimes they stop and rest.是的。不過有時候牠們會停下來休息。

2. In the air 在空中。Birds don't stay in the air all the

3. As fast as 一樣快。Can a bird fly as fast as a plane?
鳥可以飛得跟飛機一樣快嗎? I think it can fly as fast as a helicopter.

4. Have to 必須。Do I have to go to a doctor? 我一定要看醫生嗎? I'm feeling
better.我覺得好多了。I'm afraid you have to. 你恐怕一定得去。You need to get
some tests. 你需要做檢驗。

Now please join me to read the words.

fly 飛翔 in the air 在空中 as fast as 一樣快 have to 必須


1: What does a "wingsuit" do?
A: It helps people stay in the air longer
B: It helps birds fly
C: It helps you swim faster

2. How did the man in Austria fly for so long?
A: He used a wingsuit and an electric motor
B: He used a really big bird
C: He ate a lot of vegetables

3. How fast did the man in the story fly?
A: As fast as a turtle
B: As fast as a cat
C: As fast as Taiwan's High-Speed Rail

1: A 2: A 3: C

連結:https://www.icrt.com.tw/news_lunchbox. ... ;mlevel1=7&mlevel2=96

2024年09月20日 01時09分


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