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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2021-03-22 | 點閱數: 1166

發佈於 2021-03-23

Breakdancing at Paris 2024

Ohhh! That's a funky song!

It's the kind of song that makes you want to get up and dance!

Can you dance? 你會跳舞嗎?

I wish I was a better dancer. And I really wish that I could breakdance!

Have you heard of breakdancing? Or breaking? 中文就叫做街舞. It's really

Breakdancing is kind of like art mixed with sport. 街舞有點像藝術結合運動.

Dancers need to be creative, stylish, strong, and athletic. 舞者需要有創意,
有風格, 還要身體強健靈活.

Breakdancing is hard and takes a lot of practice. 街舞不容易, 得再三練習!

But some people are really good.

Some dancers can lift and hold themselves up with just one hand and some can
even spin around and around on their head!

Amazing, right?

And did you know, soon, breakdancing is going to be in the Olympics?
你知道嗎, 街舞快要成為奧運項目!

That's right, breakdancing will be in the 2024 Olympics which will be held in
France's capital city, Paris! 街舞項目會出現在2024年巴黎奧運!

I can't wait to see the best break dancers in the world show off their moves
at the Olympics! 我真的等不及看世界上最厲害的舞者在奧運表演.

And you know, there's still 3 years until Paris 2024…

So, that means there's still lots of time to practice! 還有3年可以練習喔,



1. Dance跳舞。(dance music) Do you like dancing, Nancy? 你喜歡跳舞嗎,南西?
Oh yes, I love dancing. 很喜歡。I can dance anywhere! 我在哪裡都可以跳舞! But
I often go to my friend's house to dance.不過我通常去朋友家跳舞。

2. Dancer跳舞的人。Do you want to be a dancer? 你想當職業舞者嗎? No, dancers
have to work so hard. 我不想。當舞者需要很努力。

3. Practice練習。It takes a lot of practice to dance
well.要練習好久才能跳得好。That's true.這是真的。But just practicing is not

4. Creative有創意。You have to be creative too. 你還需要有創意。What if the
person is not creative? 要是那個人沒創意怎麼辦? Then she needs to be

So would you like to dance with me? Dance跳舞 dancer舞者 practice練習


1. What kind of dancing is the story about?
a. Spin-dancing
b. Breakdancing
c. Tap dancing

2. Which Olympics will have this kind of dancing?
a. The 2012 Olympics
b. The 2042 Olympics
c. The 2024 Olympics

3. In which city will this Olympics be held?
a. Barcelona
b. Tokyo
c. Paris

1: b 2: c 3: c

連結:https://www.icrt.com.tw/news_lunchbox. ... ;mlevel1=7&mlevel2=96

2024年09月20日 01時09分


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