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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2021-03-29 | 點閱數: 318

發佈於 2021-03-30

No Fingerprints

Hi, everyone! Do you know what a fingerprint is? 你知道指紋是什麼嗎?

Try this: Put some ink on your fingers...then press your fingers onto some
white paper...what you see is your own fingerprint!

Scientists say it's almost impossible for two people to have the same

The police can sometimes match fingerprints to bad people. --Aha! Got you! --
You're going to jail!

But, in a country called Bangladesh…there's one family where the men don't
have fingerprints! 孟加拉有個家族,他們的男性成員,都沒有指紋。

Yeah! It's true.

These men's fingers are smooth...with no circles on the skin.

And this is a problem.

They're not bad guys, but they can't get passports or IDs because they don't
have fingerprints! 因為沒有指紋,所以沒有護照或身分證。

The men in Bangladesh are a little bit angry.

They say, "Hey! It's not our fault we don't have fingerprints!"

Scientists are finding new and better ways to make IDs and passports.

Soon, they won't need fingerprints.

I'm sure those men in Bangladesh will be happy when that happens.

Huh, what an interesting story. Everyone has different fingerprints! And some
people don't have fingerprints at all!



o Finger手指。Don't use your fingers to pick your nose. 別用手指挖鼻孔。I
didn't! See, my fingers are clean! 我才沒有! 你看,我的手指很乾淨!

o Print印刷。Okay, we're done! 好,我們做完了。We can now print out the
picture. 我們現在可以把圖片印出來了。Sorry, my printer is broken.
抱歉,我的印表機壞了。I can go to 7-11 to print it out.

o Not at all完全不。I ran into a friend on the street.
我在街上碰到一個朋友。But I didn't remember her name at
all.但是我完全不記得她的名字。Now that's embarrassing. 那有點尷尬。It is! So
I just smiled and said nothing. 是很尷尬。所以我就微笑,沒有講話。Did she try
to talk to you? 她有想要跟你講話嗎? No, not at all. 沒有耶,完全沒有。

今天的單字和片語比較簡單。 Let's read them together. Finger手指 print印刷
not at all完全不


1. What is special about fingerprints?
A: Each person has their own special fingerprint
B: They look pretty and cool
C: They are yummy and good for you

2. How do police sometimes catch bad people?
A: They sing really loudly
B: They look under the bed
C: They match the person's fingerprints

3. What country are the men in the story from?
A: India
B: Pakistan
C: Bangladesh

1: A 2: C 3: C

2024年09月20日 01時09分


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