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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2021-04-12 | 點閱數: 323

發佈於 2021-04-13

Vegan Challenge

"Vegetarians" are people who don't eat meat... no chicken, no pork, no beef,
no fish... "Vegetarians"素食者是不吃肉,不吃豬、雞、牛跟魚。

"Vegans" are people who don't eat anything from animals... no meat... no
milk... no cheese... no honey...

Scientists say most people would probably be more healthy… if they ate
mostly plants and fruits... and very little; or no meat.

But many people really love meat. So one company that makes vegan food has a
challenge. They will pay a person who really loves meat… almost 2 million NT
to eat their vegan food for 3 months!

The meat-lover can only eat their vegan food for 3 months. And if after three
months, the meat-lover decides to change and become a vegan the company will
give them vegan food for the rest of their life! For free!

Eating vegetarian and vegan foods can be good for you… that's a difficult
challenge… no meat and no animal foods? I think I could do it... for 2
million NT!



1) Honey 蜂蜜。Honey cake is my favorite dessert! 蜂蜜蛋糕是我最愛的甜點。But
there's no honey in it. Just sugar.但是它裡面沒有蜂蜜。只有糖。Really?! But I
did taste honey. 真的嗎? 可是我有嚐到蜂蜜的味道啊。

2) Milk 牛奶。This ice cream is made of fresh milk.這個冰淇淋是鮮奶做的。It's
delicious! 很好吃。

3) Fish 魚。Can we go to the fish market? 我們可以去魚市場嗎? What do you
want to buy?你想買什麼? Fish, crabs and octopus. 我要買魚,螃蟹還有章魚。

4) Pay 付錢。I only paid 100 NT for a big one last time.
我上次只付了一百元就買到一條大魚。But you paid 800 for the two crabs.

These are good words to remember. Shall we read them?

honey 蜂蜜 milk 牛奶 fish 魚 pay 付錢


1. What do we call a person who doesn't eat meat?
A: A vacuum cleaner
B: A librarian
C: A vegetarian

2. What do we call a person who doesn't eat meat or anything from animals?
A: A volcano
B: A vegan
C: A cow

3. How much money will the company pay someone to be vegan?
A: 5 N.T.
B; 10,000 N.T.
C: 2 million N.T.

1. C 2. B 3. C

2024年09月20日 01時09分


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