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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2021-04-19 | 點閱數: 366

發佈於 2021-04-20

Grocery-Stealing Bear

Ahhh! Someone is trying to steal from the store! Hurry up and catch that …

甚麼?有熊在超市偷東西? That's right! Some people found out that a bear in
California was stealing from a grocery store! California is a state in the
United States.

The store caught the bear on camera many times. In the videos, you can see
the bear going into the store to steal food.

Animal experts say the bear was too used to seeing people. It isn't afraid of
going to places where there are people.

That's probably how it found out that there is a lot of tasty food inside of
grocery stores. So it decided to take some home with him!

Stealing food from the grocery store must have been a lot easier for the bear
than going out to hunt for food. 到超市偷食物,一定比在外面找東西吃容易!

Once people even saw the bear interrupt a birthday party. It sat down and
started eating the birthday cake! 這隻熊有次還跑去人家的生日派對!

But to make sure the bear doesn't hurt itself or other people, animal experts
decided to catch it. Then they brought it somewhere else to live … far away
from any grocery stores. 他們把熊抓起來, 然後送到里人類很遠的地方放走。

If you ever see a bear, don't go near it! Call experts for help!



1) Steal偷竊。Hey, the cat is stealing your fish! 嘿,那隻貓偷你的魚!
(噓...噓,喵) Now all I have is rice. 現在我只剩下白飯了。Maybe you should
bring more fish next time. 也許下次你應該多帶幾條魚。Then the cat will steal
more from me! 這樣貓會偷更多!

2) Grocery store食品雜貨店。I need to go to the grocery
store.我需要去一趟雜貨店。 To buy fish?要買魚嗎? No, to get cat food.

3) Catch抓到。How many fish did you catch? 你抓到幾條魚? Five ! I got lucky
today. 五條,我今天滿幸運的。I caught 8, and it's not luck.

4) Easy容易的,easier更容易。Fishing is easy.釣魚很容易。Riding a bike is
easier. 騎腳踏車就更容易了。

Please repeat after me. Steal偷竊 grocery store食品雜貨店 catch 抓到
easy容易的 easier更容易


1. What kind of animal is in this story?
a. A bear
b. A giraffe
c. A penguin

2. What was the animal doing?
a. Stealing money from wallets
b. Stealing food from grocery stores
c. Stealing shoes from houses

3. What did people do about the animal?
a. Caught it and brought it somewhere else
b. Shot it with a gun
c. Shouted at it to chase it away

1. A 2. B 3. A

2024年09月20日 01時09分


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