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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2021-04-26 | 點閱數: 1264

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Teen Saves Family Because Only She Could Smell Fire

Do you smell something? 你有聞到什麼味道嗎?

I think something is on fire! 好像失火了! Hurry up, let's get out of here!

Is everyone okay? Everyone got out of the building? That's good. Thank
goodness everyone is safe! Good thing we smelled the smoke from the fire and
got out just in time! 還好有聞到煙味,大家都安全的跑出來了!

Being able to smell is actually a very important sense to have!

A teenager named Bianca in the U.S. found out in a very scary way that she is
very lucky to have her sense of smell.

The rest of her family got sick with COVID-19. They were okay, but the virus
made them lose their sense of smell!

One night, while they were all sleeping, there was a fire at their house.
有一天晚上,大家都在睡覺,但是房子起火了!But nobody knew because they were
asleep, and they couldn't smell it!

Only Bianca could smell the smoke from the fire. 只有Bianca聞到煙味。She woke
up and quickly woke everybody else up too. And they all ran out of the house.

Because Bianca could smell things, she saved the day and helped make sure her
family was safe. 她趕快叫醒大家,逃到屋外,全家人都沒事。

Most people don't think of the sense of smell as a very important sense to
have. But just ask Bianca!



1. Smell 聞,氣味。What's that smell? 那是什麼氣味? I don't smell anything.
我什麼都沒聞到。I think it's the smell of French fries.我覺得是薯條的味道。

2. Sense 感覺。Dogs have a keen sense of smell. 狗狗的嗅覺很靈敏。They have a
good sense of taste too.牠們的味覺也很行。My dog only eats fresh

3. Smoke 煙 This is why I don't like barbeque. 這是為什麼我不喜歡烤肉。
There's too much smoke ! 太多煙了! I agree. And smoke is not good for your

4. Make sure 確定。Make sure you wear school clothes tomorrow.
明天一定要穿制服。But mine is dirty. 可是我的制服很髒。Then make sure you
wash it first.那你一定要先洗。

Okay, I can smell my lunch now. Let's read the words.

smell 聞,氣味 sense 感覺 smoke 煙 make sure 確定


1. What is the sense talked about in this story?
a. Sense of smell
b. Sense of sight
c. Sense of touch

2. How did Bianca's family lose their sense of smell?
a. They got COVID-19
b. They lost their noses
c. They overused their sense of smell

3. How did Bianca know there was a fire in the house?
a. She smelled the smoke
b. She saw the fire
c. She felt the fire

1. A 2. A 3. A

2024年09月20日 01時09分


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