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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2021-05-04 | 點閱數: 239

發佈於 2021-05-04

Wasps vs Moths

Ugh! I hate when bugs get inside! Go away! Shoo!

Bugs can be annoying, but most of the time they're harmless.

But sometimes little bugs can cause big problems!

Like at one big famous country house in England. This house has lots of
history, and lots of old and valuable things.

But, the house is full of moths! 但是房子裡都是蛾! And the moths are eating
all the old furniture and carpet! 房子裡面有蛾,蛾把老家具跟地毯都吃掉了!

So to stop all these moths from ruining the house, they're sending in a
different bug to deal with them.

They are sending….… wasps! 為了解決蛾蛾危機,他們決定派出…黃蜂!

These aren't normal wasps, they are tiny wasps.

They will find the moth eggs and lay their own eggs inside.
這些小小黃蜂會把蛋下在蛾的蛋蛋裡面。Then, there'll be no more moths!

But, wait, won't they then have a wasp problem? Then what? Send in spiders?

Then what? Mice? Then... snakes?!! This problem just keeps getting bigger and
bigger! 這樣問題不會越來越大嗎?

Don't worry, that won't happen, they say the wasps will just die out
naturally. 不用擔心,黃蜂會自然死掉.

That's a pretty smart way to stop the moths, I guess, but I won't be trying
this at my house!



1) History歷史。This school has a lot of
history.這是一所有很有歷史的學校。It's just an old school.
它就是一所老學校。I prefer new schools. 我比較喜歡新學校。

2) Lay eggs生蛋。Does your hen lay eggs every day? 你的母雞每天下蛋嗎? Yes,
she does, and she always lays the eggs inside our kitchen.

3) Bigger and bigger越來越大。This store's hamburgers are getting bigger and
bigger! 這家店的漢堡越做越大了。
Really? I think they're the same. 真的嗎?我覺得都一樣呢。No, it's bigger than
my face now. See? 不,它現在比我的臉還大,你看。

4) Furniture傢俱。Hi, I'm looking for furniture for my dog house.
我正在替我的狗屋找傢俱。Sorry, but we only have furniture for

讀讀單字,幫助記憶。History歷史 lay eggs生蛋 bigger and bigger越來越大


1. Where is the house in the story?
a. England
b. Germany
c. France

2. What is causing problems in the house?
a. Monkeys
b. Moths
c. Rabbits

3. What are they using to stop them?
a. Lions
b. Penguins
c. Wasps

Answers1: a 2: b 3: c

2024年09月20日 01時09分


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