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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2021-05-11 | 點閱數: 233

發佈於 2021-05-11

Longest Name in Taiwan

Can you write your name in both Chinese and English?

I can write my name in English... but my Chinese name is a little hard for me
to write.

Most people in Taiwan have a name with three Chinese words. In English, we
call them: Chinese characters.

Some people only use two characters.

But usually, in Taiwan, people use three.

Like the president: TSAI ING WEN.

But, you don't have to use only three characters.

Some indigenous Taiwanese people have much longer names and some people from
other countries use 5, 6, 7, or more Chinese characters for their name.


And… there is a man in Tainan… who has the longest name in Taiwan!

He's not indigenous Taiwanese and he's not from another country.

He's from Tainan City and he works as a taxi driver.

The man changed his name… and his new name has 25 characters!

Yeah! 25!!!

The new name is supposed to be lucky!

It means something like,


What do you think? Will his name help him get lucky?

Maybe... but writing 25 characters every time you sign your name doesn't
sound like fun to me.



1. Name 名字。Ryan, do you have a Chinese name? 萊恩,你有中文名字嗎? Yes,
it's 戴俊瑞. 有,我的中文名字是戴俊瑞. That's a very good name!

2. Sign 簽名。You need to sign your name here. 你需要在這裡簽名。Can I sign
my English name? 我可以簽英文名字嗎? No, it has to be Chinese.

3. Rich 富有的。I want to be rich someday. 我想要有一天變成有錢人。I will
sell memory helpers. 我會賣記憶小幫手。It can remember everything for
you.它可以幫你記住所有事。Wow, I think you will become rich!

4. Hard 困難的。Writing Chinese characters is hard.寫中文字很難。It's not
that hard.沒有那麼難。"Big" and "small" are easy. 大跟小這兩個字就很簡單。

Okay, will you read with me?

name 名字 sign 簽名 rich 富有的 hard 困難的


1. What do we call the Chinese words we write?
A: Chinese ABCs
B: Chinese characters
C: Japanese characters

2. How long is the longest name in Taiwan?
A: 2,500 characters
B: 21 characters
C: 25 characters

3. Why did the man change his name?
A: He thinks the new name is lucky
B: He's from another country
C: He really likes writing

1: B 2: C 3: A

2024年09月20日 01時09分


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