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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2021-05-17 | 點閱數: 249

發佈於 2021-05-18

Lake of Lava

Hawaii is an American state with a lot of islands… and… on those islands
are a lot of volcanoes.

Many of those volcanoes are "dead"... that means they've stopped spitting out
lava. 美國夏威夷群島有很活火山, 但是大部分是休火山。

Taiwan also has volcanoes! But most of them are dead, too.

But sometimes… volcanoes wake up! That's what happened in Hawaii!

For 30 years... this volcano spit out fire and lava... and then it went
quiet. People said, "Yeah! The volcano is finally dead! No more lava!"
It was quiet for 2 years... but in late December 2020, it came back to life!

The volcano in Hawaii is now spitting out fire, smoke, rocks, and lava!
People living nearby need to be careful when they go outside. The smoke from
a volcano can be bad for you if you breathe it in.

And… Now there is a lake of lava in the middle of the volcano! Can you
imagine? A lake of lava! No swimming in that lake!

I like nice clean lakes with water... like Sun Moon Lake! But, I have to
say… seeing a huge lake of lava would be pretty cool… from far away, of



1. Volcano 火山。I hope to visit Hawaii someday. 我希望有一天去夏威夷玩。To
see girls in bikinis? 去看比基尼女郎嗎? No, to see the volcanoes up close.

2. Fire 火。There's fire and smoke coming from next door! 隔壁有火光還有煙霧!
Call the Fire Department, quickly! 趕快打電話給消防隊! (救火車笛聲)
Firefighters are coming. 消防隊員就要來了。

3. Lake 湖。Sun Moon Lake is the most famous lake in Taiwan.

4. Far away 很遠。I just saw a big snake in the
yard.我剛剛在院子裡看到一條大蛇。 Let me go and catch it.我去抓牠。Can I
help? 我可以幫忙嗎? No, just watch from far away. 不要,你遠遠看著就好了。

Can you remember these words?

volcano 火山 fire 火 lake 湖泊 far away 很遠



1. Which American state has a lot of volcanoes?
A: New York
B: Florida
C: Hawaii

2. What do we call super old volcanoes that don't spit out lava?
A: A dead volcano
B: A happy volcano
C: A tired volcano

3. What is in the middle of the volcano in Hawaii?
A: A panda bear
B: A lake of lava
C: A barbeque

1: C 2: A 3: B

2024年09月20日 01時09分


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