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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2021-05-24 | 點閱數: 266

發佈於 2021-05-25

Is Your Name Salmon?

Hi, everyone!

Don't you love a good deal?

Sometimes I like to wait until some of my favorite things are on special
discount and then buy.

That can save money! 有時候我喜歡等大減價才買東西,這樣可以省錢!

You've probably heard this story.

It was big news.

One sushi restaurant in Taiwan had a funny idea for a deal.

One of the most popular things to eat at sushi restaurants is salmon, so they
said if your name sounds like salmon, you'll get a discount… and if your
name is salmon, you and your whole table eat for free!

But is anyone's name really "Salmon"? 真的有人叫鮭魚嗎?

Well, actually, yes!

Some people, after they found out about the restaurant's offer, really
changed their names… to Salmon! 有些人聽到這個優惠就去改名字!

That's kind of crazy, isn't it?

People are allowed to change their name, but in Taiwan you only get 3 name

So you probably should think pretty hard about if you really should change
your name or not.

And if a free meal is worth it. 在台灣名字可以改3次,

Hmmm… maybe I'll wait for a deal like this for burgers.
我可能會等漢堡也推出類似的優惠... Hmmm….yeah, Mr. Bacon Cheeseburger with

Sounds pretty good to me!



1. Salmon鮭魚。I can't believe people changed their name to salmon.
我不敢相信有人把名字改成鮭魚。You don't like salmon? 你不喜歡鮭魚喔? It's a
food name! 那是食物的名字。

2. Deal交易。I got my iPhone for 2,000 NT. 我花了兩千塊買iPhone. That's a
good deal! Where did you get that deal? 真划算! 你在哪裡做成那筆手機交易的?

3. Restaurant餐廳。Let's try a Michelin-star restaurant.
我們去試一家有米其林星的餐廳吧。 No, those restaurants are all

4. Change更改。I'm spending too much money. 我花太多錢了。I've got to change.
我一定要改變。By making more money? 去賺更多錢嗎? No, by forgetting who I
borrowed from. 不。我要忘記跟誰借的錢。

我們來複習單字。Salmon鮭魚 deal交易 restaurant餐廳 change更改


1. What kind of restaurant had a funny special deal?
a. A pizza restaurant
b. A sushi restaurant
c. A beef noodle restaurant

2. Who could eat for free?
a. Hungry people
b. People named sandwich
c. People named salmon

3. How many times can you change your name in Taiwan?
a. One time
b. Three times
c. As many times as you want

1: b 2: c 3: b

2024年09月20日 01時09分


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