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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2021-06-03 | 點閱數: 302

發佈於 2021-06-01

Messi's Record Breaking Boots

Gooooaaaal! Yes!

Woo! I love football! There aren't many better feelings than scoring a goal.

There is one player who has had that feeling a lot more than most.

His name is Lionel Messi.

Lionel Messi is a footballer who plays for Barcelona in Spain.

But Messi isn't just any footballer, he's won the best player in the world
award 6 times! 梅西很厲害,在世界得過六次「最佳足球員」 !

He has broken record after record, and he's scored a lot of goals.

Actually, back in December, Messi broke another record that has been around
for 46 years held by Brazilian footballer Pele.

He scored more goals for one team than anyone else. 644!

And now he's decided to sell the boots he scored that 644th goal with.

The boots, which Messi also signed, will probably sell for a lot of money.

Oh! And Messi said that all of that money will be donated to a children's
hospital in Barcelona. 賣掉鞋子的錢全部捐給兒童醫院.

He said he's happy to get the record, but the most important thing is to give
something back to all the kids fighting for their health.

What a great thing to do. Hopefully Messi can keep scoring more and more



1. Score得分。(灌籃聲音) Chris Paul scored 35 points for the Suns!
克里斯保羅為太陽隊得了35分! Yeah, Chris is the best! 對啊,克里斯最棒了! He
always scores a lot at important games. 他總是在重要比賽得高分。

2. Goal球門。How did it go? 結果怎麼樣? Not good. We lost by three goals.
很不好。我們輸了三球。Uh oh, that's really not good. 那真的不好。

3. Donate捐獻。I donated 5-thousand NT in your name.
我用你的名字捐了五千塊。Why? 為什麼呢? I want to donate but I don't want them
to know my name.我要捐款,可是不要他們知道我的名字。

4. Record紀錄。I drank 10 cans of coke. 我喝了十罐可樂。It's a new record.
這是新紀錄! That's a bad record! 那是個壞紀錄!

Let's read first. Score得分 goal球門 donate捐獻 record紀錄


1. Which footballer is the story about?
a. Messi
b. Ronaldo
c. Maradona

2. What team does he play for?
a. Liverpool
b. Barcelona
c. Real Madrid

3. What is he selling to raise money for children?
a. Record-breaking boots
b. Super-cool sunglasses
c. A really fast car

1: a 2: b 3: a

2024年09月20日 01時09分


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