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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2021-06-07 | 點閱數: 286

發佈於 2021-06-08

Hands-Free Sneaker

Matthew is a young person from America. He was born with a disability. A
disability can make some things really hard. Can you tie your shoes by
yourself? Of course you can, right?

Matthew uses crutches and he can walk by himself. But he can't bend down to
tie his shoelaces. 麥修用拐杖走路,但是他沒辦法彎腰綁鞋帶。

So, Matthew thought, "Hey, maybe I can ask a shoe company to help me!"

The people at the company were kind and said, "Ok, we will try to help!"

It wasn't easy. The company tried lots and lots of ideas… nope...
nope...nope... then finally... yeah! They invented a new sports shoe that
doesn't use shoelaces. 他們發明了不需要用鞋帶的運動鞋。

This new shoe is very interesting… it has a special hinge that automatically
opens and closes with your foot... you don't need to bend down... and there
are no shoelaces.

You can see a video of the new shoes on the internet.

Matthew is really happy about the new shoes... and... maybe soon, lots of
people will use them… then the shoe company can make money!

Pretty cool, yeah?

Being kind and helping can make the world a better place... for other people,
and for yourself, too!



1) Shoes 鞋子。 My feet hurt! 我的腳好痛! Something wrong with your shoes?
你的鞋子有問題嗎? Yeah, these shoes are too tight! 對啊,這雙鞋子太緊了!

2) Bend down 彎下來。 Look at the caterpillar! 你看這隻毛毛蟲。 Where is it?
I don't see anything. 在哪裡? 我什麼都沒看到。 You have to bend down to see
it. 你得彎下腰來看。

3) Make money 賺錢。 I can't go out tonight. I have to work and make money.
我今晚不能出門。我要工作賺錢。 Why do you want to make more money?
你為什麼需要賺更多錢? Because the more the better. 因為越多越好。

4) Sports 運動。 Also, I like my job at the sports center.
而且我喜歡運動中心的工作。I can use all the equipment. 我可以用所有設備。

Will you read with me?

shoes 鞋子 bend down 彎下來 make money 賺錢 sports 運動


1. What was Matthew's problem?
A: He couldn't walk
B: He couldn't bend down
C: He couldn't see

2. What happened when Matthew asked a shoe company for help?
A: They said, "Sorry, we are too busy."
B: They said, "No thank you. We don't like ice-cream."
C: They said, "OK, we will try to help."

3. What did the shoe company invent?
A: A new kind of sports shoe...with no shoelaces
B: A new kind of cap for swimming
C: A new kind of socks

1: B 2: C 3: A

2024年09月20日 01時09分


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