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英語教師 - 一般公告 | 2021-06-15 | 點閱數: 296

發佈於 2021-06-15

Life Under Antarctica's Ice

Can anything live under one kilometer of ice... in the dark? That would be
super cold with zero sunlight! 又冷又完全沒有光線,
,冰層下一公里會有生物存在嗎? No way, right?

Well, actually, the answer is yes! Scientists were super surprised to find
coral… under Antarctica… near the south pole! They drilled down almost one
kilometer and then put a camera into the deep hole. And they were shocked!

They found life!


This is pretty cool. We know coral and other creatures can live in very deep
water with no light. They eat little tiny pieces of dead animals and plants.
But these coral live under Antarctica...deep under the ice.

The open ocean is hundreds of kilometers away! Where do they get food? How
can they survive? 海洋遠在好幾百公里外,這些珊瑚吃什麼呢?

The scientists only have pictures. So they don't really know yet how they
survive. 科學家只有珊瑚的照片,所以找不到答案。

They will keep studying the pictures and try to learn more... but nature is
full of surprises. And... hey… think about it… If these animals can live in
such a cold and dark place without much food, maybe there is life on other
planets under deep, dark ice!

Cool, yeah?



1) Ice 冰。 Here, put some ice in your pineapple and mango juice.
來,放一點冰塊進你的鳳梨芒果汁。Mmmmm, it's delicious! 很好喝呢!

2) Deep 很深的。Not many animals can live deep underwater.

3) Dark 黑暗的。It's too dark here. 這裡太暗了。 You should turn on the
light. 你應該開燈。 I prefer to think in the dark. 我比較喜歡在黑暗中思考。

4) Hundreds of 數百個。Hundreds of people are waiting to buy food!
好幾百人在排隊等著買食物! It's amazing, isn't it? 很驚人吧?

Let's review the words together.

ice 冰 deep 很深的 dark 黑暗的 hundreds of 數百個


1. Where did scientists find life?
A: Under the moon
B: Inside Mars
C: Under the ice of Antarctica

2. How deep did they send their camera?
A: Almost one kilometer deep
B: About 500 kilometers deep
C: Almost one centimeter deep

3. How do these animals survive deep under the ice?
A: Scientists don't really know yet!
B: They order food delivery
C: They eat ice and cold water

1: C
2: A
3: A

2024年09月20日 01時09分


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