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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2021-06-21 | 點閱數: 314

發佈於 2021-06-22

3 Rubik's Cubes in 90 Seconds

Have you ever played with a Rubik's Cube? 你有沒有玩過魔術方塊?

It's a cube with lots of small squares and different colors … red, white,
blue, orange, green, and yellow. You have to try to get all the same colors
on one side. It's really hard!

I've tried it many times! And I've never been able to do it! One side all
red, one side all white, one side all orange, one side all green, and one
side all yellow! Ahhh! 我做不到。

But guess what? There is an 8-year-old boy in India who just broke a new
world record! He got all the colors to the right places in one and a half
minutes! 一個八歲的印度小孩,只花90秒就做到了,還打破世界紀錄!

90 seconds... oh, but wait! That's not the most amazing part! He did that to
three Rubik's Cubes... in 90 seconds! 不只這樣,他是同時完成三個魔術方塊喔。
That's just amazing!

The boy says he loves solving puzzles, so training was fun. He says sometimes
he practiced really hard and sometimes he stopped and calmed down… letting
his brain take a rest! Hmm... smart!

A Rubik's Cube is a toy, but it's a toy that is a challenge for your brain.
Why not give it a try? How fast can you solve a Rubik's Cube?



1. Brain 頭腦。Susan fell down the stairs today. 蘇珊今天跌下樓梯。Doctors
say she bumped her head,醫生說她撞到了頭, but her brain should be fine.

2. Side 邊,面。Which side are you on? 你支持哪一邊? I'm on your side, of

3. Solve 解決。How did you solve the puzzle? 你是怎麼解開這個難題的? Easy. I
googled. 很簡單,我查了古哥。That's not fair! 不公平!

4. Toy 玩具。My son loves department stores. 我兒子最喜歡的地方是百貨公司。
He loves all those toys! 他超喜歡那些玩具!

What toys do you like? Let's read together.

brain 腦袋 side 邊,面 solve 解決 toy 玩具


1. What is a Rubik's Cube?
A: A rock
B: A cube with squares and colors
C: An ice cube

2. How long did it take the boy in the story to do three Rubik's Cubes?
A: About 74 minutes
B: About 2 hours
C: About 90 seconds

3. How old is the boy in the story and where is he from?
A: He's 8-years-old and from India
B: He's 12-years-old and from Indonesia
C: He's 6-years-old and from Japan

1: B 2: C 3: A

2024年09月20日 01時09分


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