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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2021-06-28 | 點閱數: 239

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Why Cats Love Small Spaces

Here kitty, kitty.

My cat is so funny.

I got her a fancy cat bed … but she doesn't really like it.

What she really likes is a box! Yeah! A simple cardboard box ...and she likes
small boxes the best. 我的貓喜歡睡在盒子裡,特別是小紙盒。

Sometimes I come home and find her looking so cute and happy … sleeping like
a baby...in a small box! 有時我回到家發現,牠就像一個睡在小盒子裡的小嬰兒。

Scientists say they now know why cats like small spaces like boxes.

Cats are 'predators' ...that means they hunt other animals.

In the wild, a cat has to always be ready to catch its food.

That takes a lot of energy ...so sometimes, they need to turn off all their
muscles and relax.

When they find a small space like a box, they cram their body inside and then
relax … really relax.

The sides of a box are holding them so they can let all their muscles rest
and can sleep well when they are completely resting all their muscles.

They feel safe. 讓貓咪覺得有依靠,可以安心睡覺。

Hmm...I guess maybe it's like when a mommy or daddy holds a little baby
really close and tight….

The baby feels safe and relaxes … and goes to sleep.

Aww...cats are so cute!



1. Space空間。I like your room. It has a lot of space.
我喜歡你的房間,空間很大。I need the space to do yoga. 我需要空間來做瑜珈。

2. Relax放鬆。So you can relax in this room? 所以你在這間房裡可以放鬆? Yeah.
I can relax here and get a good sleep。我可以在這裡放鬆,好好睡覺。

3. Safe安全的。How about going to a movie? 去看個電影如何? No, it's not safe.
Too many people. 不要,不安全。太多人了。It's safe now because no one is
there. 現在安全了,因為沒人去。

4. Sometimes有時候。Do you cook, Ryan? 你會做菜嗎,萊恩? Sometimes. I
sometimes boil some eggs. 有時候,我有時候煮幾顆蛋。

What are the words we learned today? Space空間 relax放鬆 safe安全的


1. Where do cats often like to sleep?
A: In small spaces, like a box
B: In a swimming pool
C: In a hole they dig underground

2. What is a predator?
A: An animal that only eats grass
B: An animal that hunts other animals
C: An animal that likes swimming

3. Why do cats sometimes like to sleep in boxes?
A: They can relax all their muscles and feel safe
B: They think boxes smell good
C: They like the color of boxes

1 A 2 B 3 A

2024年09月20日 01時09分


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戰戰,害怕的樣子;兢兢,小心謹慎的樣子。形容做事時戒慎惶恐的態度。與「兢兢業業」(註:業業,警惕小心的樣子 )類似。