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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2021-10-19 | 點閱數: 233

發佈於 2021-10-19

Vegetables Grown on Unused Taxis

Thanks, Mr. Taxi Driver!

Taxis are pretty convenient, right?

They take customers to places they want to go.

In big cities you can often see lots of taxis. 大城市通常有很多計程車。

Bangkok is the capital city of Thailand and it's a big city. It has a lot of
people, a lot of tourists, and a lot of taxis.

But since the coronavirus has happened, there are not many tourists going
there. That means there are a lot of taxis that don't have any customers.


There are now car parks full of unused taxis. 停車場停滿用不到的計程車。

So now one taxi company had the bright idea of growing vegetables on top of
the taxis! 一家公司想出來好主意,決定在車頂上種菜!

The taxi vegetable garden makes food for taxi drivers with no work.

And if there are any vegetables left over, the drivers can sell them at a
market! 失業的計程車司機可以自己吃,也可以把菜拿去市場賣!

That's pretty smart! The drivers can now grow some food, make some money,
they don't waste space, and it's good for the environment!



1. Vegetable 蔬菜。
We should grow some vegetables. 我們應該來種一點蔬菜。
On top of the house? 在屋頂上嗎?
Yeah, why not? 對啊,為什麼不呢?
Vegetables need sunlight. 蔬菜需要陽光。

2. Space 空間。
That's good use of space. 那可以好好利用空間。
You're right. 你說對了。
And vegetables don't need a lot of space. 蔬菜也不需要很大的空間。

3. Tourist 遊客。
Many Taiwanese tourists travel to Bangkok. 很多台灣遊客去曼谷旅行。
They can't go there anymore. 他們現在沒辦法去了。

4. City 城市。
Do you like big cities, Jane? 你喜歡大城市嗎?
I like Taipei. It's not really a big city but it has everything.

Let's read today's vocabulary.
vegetable 蔬菜
space 空間
tourist 遊客
city 城市


1. Bangkok is the capital city of what country?
a. France
b. China
c. Thailand

2. Bangkok now has a lot of unused what?
a. Motorbikes
b. Schools
c. Taxis

3. What are some of them now being used for?
a. Cooking
b. Growing vegetables
c. Driving

1: C
2: C
3: B

2024年09月20日 01時09分


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