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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2021-11-02 | 點閱數: 315

Princess Gives Up Royal Status for Love

Would you like to be a member of a royal family? For example, would you like
to be a king or queen? 你想當國王, 還是皇后嗎? What if it meant you could
not be with the person you loved?

Well, there was a princess in Japan who did not want to be a princess anymore.

Princess Mako was a real princess in the Japanese royal family.

She married a man who is not a part of the royal family, 她跟平民男子結婚了。

But this is a big problem in Japan. This is because in Japan, princesses are
not allowed to marry people who are not royal. 在日本,

Princess Mako decided to give up being a princess, so she could marry the man
that she wants. "give up"

After marrying a non-royal, she is no longer a part of the royal family.

A lot of people think that if Princess Mako loves somebody outside the royal
family, she should be allowed to marry them. A lot of people think it is very
brave of Princess Mako to give up being a princess.

What do you think? 你認為呢?

Do you think you would give up being royalty for love?


1. Princess 公主。
Princess Mako finally got married last week. 真子公主上星期終於結婚了。
So she's not a princess now? 所以她現在不是公主了?
Right. 對的。

2. Marry 結婚。
I asked Katie to marry me yesterday. 我昨天向凱蒂求婚。
Wow, that's great! What did she say? 太棒了,她怎麼說?
She said she's marrying Kevin. 她說她要嫁給凱文。
Oh, no! 糟糕了。

3. Japan 日本,Japanese 日本人,日語。
Do you speak Japanese, Ryan? 你會講日語嗎,萊恩?
No, and I've never been to Japan. 不會,我也沒有去過日本。

4. Royal family 王室。
Both Britain and Japan have a royal family. 英國和日本都有王室。
Yes, and so does Denmark. 對,而且丹麥也有。

princess 公主
marry 結婚
Japan 日本
Japanese 日語,日本人
royal family 王室


1. Where is the princess from in this story?
a. Taiwan
b. England
c. Japan

2. What has the princess done?
a. Stopped being a princess
b. Became the queen
c. Married a prince

3. What is the princess' name?
a. Mako
b. Mika
c. Maiko

1. C
2. A
3. A

ICRT網站連結: https://www.icrt.com.tw/news_lunchbox. ... amp;searchDate=2021-11-02

2024年09月20日 01時09分


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