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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2021-12-20 | 點閱數: 247

The Speed of a Finger Snap

What's the fastest thing you can do with your body? Run? Ehhhh, you can run
fast, I guess.
你的身體最快的動作是甚麼呢? 跑步嗎?

What about blinking?

Yeah! The blink of an eye happens fast!

But there's something many people can do that's even faster than blinking!
Twenty times faster!

It's something you can do... just like that!

Have you got it? Yep. it's a finger snap!

Learning to snap your fingers can take a little practice.

First, push your middle finger into your thumb; this is where the energy of
the snap comes from.
先把中指和拇指壓在一起 產生力量。

Then slide your thumb away, and let your middle finger slap against your hand.
把拇指滑開後 讓中指彈到手上。

Scientists have tried to make the finger snap even faster. They put material
between the fingers to add or take away friction. But both experiments just
slowed down the finger snap.

The finger snap has just the right amount of friction and energy!

And if you practice... it's easy!


1) Finger 手指。
There are so many things our fingers can do. 我們的手指可以做好多事。
My fingers are for using my cell phone only. 我的手指只用在手機。

2) Fast 很快, faster 更快。
Do you think you can walk faster? 你可以再走快一點嗎?
We're late. 我們遲到了。
I'm going as fast as I can. 我已經盡可能的快了。

3) Energy 能量,力量。
You need an energy drink. 你需要機能飲。
No, I don't need more energy. 不,我不需要更多能量。
I only need to sit down. 我只需要坐下來。

4) Practice 練習。
I'm going to practice playing golf. 我要練習打高爾夫。
Golf? Where will you practice? 高爾夫?你去哪兒練習?
In the classroom. 在教室裡。

So can you snap your fingers while reading the words?
finger 手指
fast 快的
faster 更快的
energy 能量
practice 練習


1. What is the fastest action the human body can do?
A: Jump
B: Blink
C: A finger snap

2. What effect did the scientists' experiments have on the action?
A: They made it slower
B: They made it faster
C: They had no effect

3. The action has just the right amount of what?
A: Snap power
B: Energy and friction
C: Salt and pepper

1. C
2. A
3. B
連結:https://www.icrt.com.tw/news_lunchbox. ... ;mlevel1=7&mlevel2=96

2024年09月20日 01時09分


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