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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2022-03-15 | 點閱數: 300

Clean-Up Crows

Crows are super smart birds! I mean… really, really smart! Scientists say
crows are about as smart as 7-year-old children!

Crows love to play games and they can make tools!

And crows can be a little naughty, too - just like 7-year-old kids! They
sometimes take things and fly away… and they sometimes find a way to get
into garbage cans and they make a big mess!

So, some people in Sweden had an interesting idea. They said, "Hey! Crows are
super smart. They like to pick things up. Maybe we can teach them to pick up

"Litter" is the English word for garbage people throw on the ground."Litter"
和 "garbage" 中文的意思都是垃圾,但 "Litter" 是特別指丟在地上的垃圾。

It's not nice to litter, but... (sigh) people still do it… and there is too
much garbage on the ground.

So people in Sweden taught the crows to pick up litter and the idea worked!

For the crows… picking up the litter is like a fun game! When the crow drops
a piece of litter into the clean-up box… a little snack comes out. Yeah!

The crows love the game… and the streets are getting cleaner. The crows are
really good at finding litter!

The idea is working so well, now other countries want to follow Sweden's
example. Hmm... Maybe we should try that in Taiwan, too!


1) Pick up 撿起來。
We should pick up the litter. 我們應該把垃圾撿起來。
No, I'm not doing that. 不,我不做。
Why not? 為什麼不呢?
I hate picking things up from the ground. 我討厭從地上撿東西。

2) Game 遊戲。
Just think of it as a game. 你就把它當作遊戲。
I can't, I'm not a crow. 我沒辦法,我不是烏鴉。
And besides, there's no snack. 而且也沒有零食。

3) Street 街道。
This street is so clean! 這條街道好乾淨!
Yeah, and there are lovely coffee shops on the sides of the street.

4) Children 兒童。
Pigs are as smart as 4-year-old children. 豬跟四歲小孩一樣聰明。
Crows are even smarter! 烏鴉更聰明!

pick up 撿起來
game 遊戲
street 街道
children 兒童


1. What is "litter"?
A: Something to send to Santa Claus
B: A kind of bird
C: Garbage people throw on the ground

2. Where are they teaching crows to clean up the streets?
A: Sweden
B: Switzerland
C: Swaziland

3. How smart are crows?
A: As smart as a dog!
B: As smart as the American president!
C: As smart as a 7-year-old child

1: C
2: A
3: C

連結:https://www.icrt.com.tw/news_lunchbox. ... ;mlevel1=7&mlevel2=96

2024年09月20日 01時09分


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