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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2022-04-12 | 點閱數: 181

發佈於 2022-04-12

Scientists Find Planet with Metal Clouds that Rain Gems

Ok, let's go to outer space!

We're going to a super weird planet that scientists found in 2015. But… it
is really, really far away from earth. Humans will never be able to go there.
Even if we traveled at the speed of light, it would take more than 800 years
to get there!

Scientists found the planet with a special telescope. The planet is called

But… everything on this planet is weird! It's bigger and hotter than
Jupiter… and scientists say it has clouds made out of metal... Metal clouds!

And, when it rains on this huge, hot planet… the rain is probably made out
of gems… like rubies and other precious stones!

Planet WASP-121b is like our moon in one way... it is "locked" to its sun.
That means that one side always faces its sun and one side always faces
space... So, one side is very hot… but the other side is not.

What an amazing universe! It's wonderful to discover new planets… like this
one… with metal clouds that rain gems!


1. Speed of light 光速
How fast is the speed of light? 光速有多快?
It's 300,000 kilometers per second. 它一秒鐘跑三十萬公里。
That's fast! 那很快!That's very very fast. 那非常非常快。

2. Space 太空
Can we travel through space at the speed of light?
Scientists say we cannot. 科學家說不行。

3. Planet 行星
Earth is a planet, so is Jupiter. 地球是行星,木星也是。
Yes, there are 8 planets in the solar system. 是的,太陽系有八個行星。

4. Gem 寶石
I want to see gems falling from the sky! 我想看到寶石從天上掉下來!
Maybe in your dreams? 也許在你的夢裡?
That would be a beautiful dream. 那會是個美夢。

Let's read today's vocabulary.
speed of light 光速
space 太空
planet 行星
gem 寶石


1. How far away from Earth is the planet WASP-121b?
A: 800 light-years away!
B: 500 kilometers away!
C: Just over by that 7-11

2. What are some interesting things about planet WASP-121b?
A: It's made out of candy.
B: It has metal clouds.
C: It has alien dogs.

3. How is WASP-121b like our moon?
A: One side always faces one direction
B: They are both very cold places
C: They are about the same size

1. A
2. B
3. A

連結:https://www.icrt.com.tw/news_lunchbox. ... ;mlevel1=7&mlevel2=96

2024年09月20日 01時09分


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