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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2023-02-21 | 點閱數: 169

發布於 2023-02-21


Kids Invent Heated Life Jacket

Hi students! Today I want to talk about an invention. There have been some
great inventions. Almost everything was an invention at one time, like the
telephone and the car and the airplane.

Most inventions are made by adults. But today, I want to talk about a cool
invention made by some kids in Canada. Their names are Liam and Fraser.
很多東西都是大人發明的,但是今天我要講兩個加拿大的小孩發明家,叫做 Liam 跟

One day, Liam was taking sailing lessons and fell into the sea. Luckily, he
was wearing a life-jacket. He was safe because of the life jacket, but Liam
was really cold in the water.
Liam 在帆船課的時候掉進海裡,幸好他有穿救生衣,但是水裡好冷!

That freezing cold water gave Liam a great idea. He worked with his friend
Fraser on an invention. What was their invention? They invented a heated life
這給了 Liam 一個好點子,他跟他的朋友 Fraser 發明了一個發熱救生衣。

They put a special chemical in the life jacket. When the chemical touches
water, it gets hot.

To test their new life jacket, they jumped into the ocean. But they used too
much of the chemical the first time, so they got a bit too hot.

So, now they don't use as much of the chemical in their life jackets. And
they won a science award for their great invention!

Maybe some of you smart kids will invent something great, too! Good luck!


1. freezing 冷凍的
It's freezing here! 這裡冷死了!
Don't you feel cold, Jane? 你不覺得冷嗎?
Just a little. Here, wear this jacket. 我只有一點冷。來,你穿這件夾克。

2. jacket 夾克
I don't want to wear your jacket! 我不要穿你的夾克。
They've invented a thing called a "heater", okay?
My heater broke down last week. 我的暖氣上星期壞了。

3. hot 熱的
Let me make some hot tea for you. 我來泡熱茶給你喝。
I have this teapot that doesn't use gas or fire.

4. invention 發明的東西
Now that's a great invention! 那倒是個很棒的發明。

你想發明什麼東西嗎? Let's read these words.
freezing 冷凍的
jacket 夾克
hot 熱的
invention 發明的東西


1. How did Liam get the idea for his invention?
A: His friend Fraser told him about it
B: He read about it in a science book
C: He fell into the ocean

2. What happened when Liam and Fraser first tried their invention?
A: It got too hot
B: It didn't work at all
C: It worked perfectly

3. What did Liam and Fraser win?
A: Some money
B: An award
C: Some new life jackets

1. C
2. A
3. B



2024年09月19日 11時09分


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