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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2023-03-28 | 點閱數: 126

發布於 2023-03-28


People Give Teddy Bears to Kids in Turkey

Hi students! Do you have a teddy bear? Teddy bears are really cute.

Maybe you don't have a teddy bear. Maybe you have a stuffed animal like a
rabbit or dog. Maybe it makes a sound when you touch it.

Teddy bears and other stuffed animals make kids feel happy. They make kids
feel safe, too.

There is a country named Turkey. In February, many people went to a soccer
game there. These people did something very, very nice.

They threw teddy bears and other stuffed animals onto the soccer field. They
also threw toys on the field. There were so many! It looked like it was
raining teddy bears and toys.

Why did people do that? They did it to help kids in Turkey. The teddy bears
and other toys were given to many kids.

Why did these kids get teddy bears and toys? There was a very big earthquake
in Turkey on February 6th. Many people died. Many homes were destroyed too.

This made many kids feel sad. The stuffed animals made these kids feel a
little happy. That is so nice!


1. toy 玩具
What a cute giraffe! 好可愛的長頸鹿。
Yeah, I had it since I was a kid. 對,我小時候就有它了。
So it's very old now. 所以它很老了。
Not that old! 也沒有那麼老!
I saved it from my mom. 我從我媽手裡救了它。

2. throw 扔掉
From your mom? 從你媽媽那裏?
Exactly. My mom threw away a lot of my toys. 正是。我媽丟掉了我好多玩具。
I moved away, and she didn't want them. 我搬走了,而她不要那些玩具。

3. sad 悲傷的
That's too bad. 這有點糟糕。
It made me sad. 讓我很難過呢。
I felt part of my childhood was destroyed. 我覺得童年的一部份都毀了。

4. give 給予
Gee, let me give you some of my toys. 我給你一些我的玩具吧。

toy 玩具
throw 扔掉
sad 悲傷的
give 給予


1. Where did people throw teddy bears?
A: At a soccer game
B: At a baseball game
C: At home

2. Why did people throw the teddy bears?
A: To exercise
B: To help kids
C: To make a new game

3. What else did people throw?
A: Food
B: Money
C: Toys

1. A
2. B
3. C



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