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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2023-04-18 | 點閱數: 99

發布於 2023-04-18


Italy Wants to Keep its Food Safe

Ah! Italy…

Italy is a country. It's in Europe. It has a long history. It has a great

The Romans lived there two thousand years ago. They made beautiful statues,
temples, and other things.

We can see many of these things in Italy today. They are very, very old! But
Italy keeps them safe. They are important to Italian people. These things are
part of their heritage.

We all have a heritage. It is important. Heritage comes from our family. It
comes from the history and culture of our family's country.

Where is your family from? Taiwan? Then you have Taiwanese heritage.

Italians love their heritage. They share Italy's history and culture.

It's important for countries to keep their heritage safe. So there is a list.

Some very famous things are on this list. The Taj Mahal in India and the
Great Wall of China are on the list.

Now Italy wants to put something new on this list. It's not a statue or a
temple… It's their food!

Everyone loves Italian food! Pizza, pasta, ice cream… YUM! Italians want to
keep their food safe. Then everyone can enjoy their heritage for many, many

Today is World Heritage Day. What is your heritage?


1. culture 文化
I love Italian food! 我愛義大利菜!
Me too. 我也是。
Italian people must have a happy culture. 義大利人一定有快樂的文化。
Even their food is good for celebrations. 連他們的食物也很適合慶祝。

2. history 歷史
Like pizza? 比如說披薩嗎?
Like pizza. 比如說披薩。
You just have to share when eating it. 吃披薩一定要大家分享。
I agree. 我同意。
I also like reading about the history of the Romans. 我也喜歡讀羅馬人的歷史。

3. thousand 千
Two thousand years of history. 兩千年的歷史。
Right, isn't that amazing? 對,很驚人吧?
It's almost as long as Chinese history. 幾乎跟中國歷史一樣長。

4. old 老的
Both countries are old. 兩個國家都很老。
Very old. 非常老。

Please read the words with me.
culture 文化
history 歷史
thousand 千
old 老的


1. Where does our heritage come from?
A: Our family
B: Our friends
C: Our phone

2. Where did the ancient Romans live?
A: India
B: China
C: Italy

3. What does Italy want to put on the list?
A: A Roman statue
B: Italian history
C: Italian food

1. A
2. C
3. C



2024年09月19日 10時07分


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