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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2023-06-08 | 點閱數: 249

發布於 2023-06-06


Dog Walked 250 Kilometers Across Sea Ice

Ugh… I'm tired of walking. Why did I want to walk home? My legs are very

How many kilometers can you walk? One kilometer? Five kilometers? Ten

How about more than two hundred fifty kilometers? That's a very long walk.
But somebody did it. Oh wait! Not somebody… some dog did it. His name is
如果要走兩百五十公里呢?有一隻狗狗做到了!牠叫做 Nanuq。

Nanuq went out with some other dogs one day. The other dogs came back. But he
didn't come back. His family could not find him. They were very worried. Was
Nanuq okay?
Nanuq 有一天跟一群狗狗出去玩,但是其他的狗狗都回來了,Nanuq

Nanuq was gone for more than a month! Then his family found him. Nanuq was in
a place across the sea! The place was two hundred fifty kilometers away! How
did Nanuq walk across that many kilometers of seawater?

Nanuq and his family live in a very, very cold place. The sea is icy. Nanuq's
family thinks he walked on sea ice.

Nanuq was very lucky. He was okay! And he was home!
Nanuq 跟牠的主人住在很冷的地方,海面都結冰了。Nanuq
的家人認為牠是走在冰上面過去的。Nanuq 非常地幸運,牠現在終於回家了!

No one knows how Nanuq crossed two hundred fifty kilometers of seawater!
What do you think?

一隻牧羊犬是如何越過白令海峽? 牠的主人很好奇。

1. tired of 厭倦
I'm looking forward to winter. 我很期待冬天。
I'm tired of summer. 我厭倦夏天了。
Too bad. 糟糕了。
Summer is just beginning. 夏天才剛開始呢。

2. gone 離開,消失
I wish it was already gone. 我希望它已經走了。
Why do you hate summer so much? 你為什麼那麼討厭夏天?
It's too hot. I miss the cold days. 太熱了。我想念冷天氣。

3. cold 冷的
Winter in Taipei is too cold for me. 台北的冬天對我來說太冷了。
In Canada, it's icy everywhere in winter. 加拿大的冬天,到處都結冰。

4. worried 擔心的
People would be worried about too much snow. 大家會擔心雪太多了。

Are you tired of summer?
tired of 厭倦
gone 離開,消失
cold 冷的
worried 擔心的


1. Where does this story take place?
A: A very hot place
B: A very dry place
C: A very cold place

2. What is Nanuq?
A: A cat
B: A dog
C: A bird

3. What does Nanuq's family think he walked across?
A: Fire
B: Air
C: Ice

1. C
2. B
3. C



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