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注意 英語教師 - 英語教學活動 | 2023-06-13 | 點閱數: 221

發布於 2023-06-13


This Machine Sells Eggs

Hi there! Today's news is about a vending machine. Vending means selling. So
a vending machine is a 'selling machine'.
"Vending" 的意思就是賣。今天的新聞跟自動販賣機有關。

You put money in the vending machine. You push the number of the thing you
want to buy. Then it drops down. You can buy candy, chips, or drinks from
vending machines. You can buy other things too.

There is a special vending machine in Tainan. It doesn't sell candy, chips,
or drinks. It just sells one thing: eggs! People love to see this egg vending
machine. They love to take pictures of it.

How much are the eggs? One egg is 25 NT. That's a lot of money!
裡面一顆雞蛋要賣 25 塊錢,好貴!

Do eggs break in the vending machine? No, they don't break. That's good. No
one wants to buy a broken egg.

But some eggs get stuck. They don't come out of the vending machine. That's
because the eggs are different sizes. But this can be fixed.

Do you want to buy eggs from a vending machine? I think I'll save my money
and go to a supermarket!


1. candy 糖果
A vending machine? Wow, I'm saved! 自動販賣機? 哇,我得救了!
There are only candy bars and chips here. 這裡只有糖果棒跟洋芋片。

2. how much 多少
Are you sure you want to eat this? 你確定你要吃這些?
Let me see how much they cost first. 我先來看看它們要多少錢。

3. machine 機器
Hmmmm, everything costs 30 NT in the machine. 這個機器裡面每樣東西都要30塊。
That's more money than at the supermarket. 這比超市裡面賣的要貴。

4. buy 買
So do you still want to buy them? 所以你還是要買嗎?
Yeah, I'm too hungry to wait. 要買,我太餓了,不能等。

candy 糖果
how much 多少
machine 機器
buy 買


1. What is a vending machine?
A: A washing machine
B: A selling machine
C: A computer

2. How many dollars is one egg?
A: 5
B: 15
C: 25

3. Why do some eggs get stuck?
A: They're different sizes
B: They're too heavy
C: They break

1. B
2. C
3. A



2024年09月19日 10時07分


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